General Spirituality
Unconditional Love - An Affirmation
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Ten Steps to ~God~ You will complete all the tasks you have undertaken concerning your purpose here. 1. Maintain a balance between Heaven and Earth. This is achieved by being neither too spaced out not too grounded. If you are ~spaced out~ you cannot easily perceive what is being presented to you in the ~now~. You simply aren;t there to see it. You will also have difficulty coping with everyday life and will probably be dis-organised. This will be obvious to everyone around you. If others see that you can;t manage to keep appointments and you are forever losing things, will they choose to follow you? When you are too earthed or ~grounded~, it is difficult to reach into the finer, higher frequency energies to gain access to the spiritual realms. The light workers are meant to be leading the way, showing their Love and Light as a beacon for others to follow. This can be achieved by maintaining a balance in your life. You will also need to be balanced in order to ascend.
2. Be in the moment. Do not dwell on the past. If your attention keeps turning to the past, perhaps some experiences needs to be let go and released up into the Light. It could also be that your present moment is not rewarding, usually because you are not fully in it. If you find your attention is on future plans, always thinking about what is on tomorrow, next week or month etc, you cannot also be in the ~Now~. If you are not operating in the present, you cannot perceive what is being shown to you in each moment, to help you achieve what is required for your growth. 3. Stop judging or criticising yourself and other people and situations. If you find yourself making a judgment or being critical, you are not looking at the higher picture. You can rise above the apparent third dimensional reality and realise that everything you perceive is a lesson for you. Things are not done to you; you are not a victim and you cause the things that happen to you. Have compassion and realise that everyone including you yourself, is doing the best they can with the data they have at that point in their evolution. Realise that you are practicing ~conditional~ love when you judge or criticise. 4. Know absolutely that you create your own reality and your own world. There are ~no~ exceptions to this Law. If you totally affirm the reality that you are a master, then everything that is not a part of this reality will dissolve. You always create absolutely everything that happens to you and around you. Every person, circumstance, happening and situation in your life is there for your good and because you agreed to do it and require it, for whatever reason. You do not need to know the reason; that is a requirement of ~mind~. Simply trust that it must be so and be in the moment, willing to perceive what comes to you as ~feeling right to say or do~. It is very easy for us to believe that we create our own reality when our life is running smoothly. It is a greater feat to achieve the same viewpoint when things are not going so well. In truth, all experience is neutral, and it is we who decide whether an experience is ~good~ or ~bad~. A lost of testing is done on this area to see if we are able to maintain a spiritual viewpoint and unconditional love, when the ~going gets tough~. Testing is always done with the agreement of your "I Am" presence, for your highest good. 5. Follow your excitement without hesitation. Excitement is the key to follow. This is the feeling you carry within the blueprint that points the way of your path. It is the indication of rightness of Spirit. Does it make your heart sing or sink?
6. Be responsible for every thought and action. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Thoughts and words have great power. As you pick up your mastership and draw closer to your Divine connection your words have increasingly greater power and care needs to be taken. Also with time collapsing, the time lapse between thinking a thought and it becoming manifest in the physical realm becomes shorter and shorter. This is happening on a gradient, to allow everyone to realise that they do actually create their own reality. The dimension that this planet is moving toward has no ~time~ and therefore all thought is instantly created. Everyone needs to get used to this reality. 7. Maintain control of all the lower bodies. This means continue to purify the physical, emotional (emotions), mental (thoughts) and lower spiritual {ego} bodies. These all need to be lightened up into higher frequencies, in preparation for the Light dimensions ahead. 8. Allow the ego to blend with spirit. The ego incarnated soul identity is now blending with spirit. the ~I am~ presence is joining you. Let it be so. 9. Love Unconditionally. To love as spirit means to love everything - all life forms in the entire Universe. This means not just friends and family, but every person, animals, insect, plant, mineral, every drop of water, grain of sand, pebble, blade of grass and life that exists in god's creation. It also means to love yourself. All things are ~God~ in form. It is truly possibly, whilst still on Earth, to love everyone with total unconditional love. It doesn't matter what anyone has ever said or done. When you do not love, fear is present in some form at some level. When you love everyone, what else could occur in your life but complete love. This is the Law of Attraction, what you put out follows a curve (like a boomerang) and comes back to you. sometimes this works instantly or there can be several incarnations in between, but it always happens.
10. Faith and Trust. Faith and trust in ~God~/All that is/Universal Consciousness and the universal process that provides all our needs, is perhaps our greatest step. Most of us tend to work our way up to total faith and trust in small steps. It will be required in its totality, prior to your ascension. You may groan and feel that you will never achieve these things but you can and you will. It is you who will decide when. It can start with simple discipline. Begin now achieving what you can of these steps from one moment and then to another. Soon the moments will begin to join together and your life will be moving in the Divine natural flow or all things. For every moment you are in the Divine Flow you will feel an inner excitement or contentment. You will reach a point where this is so evident, you will be immediately aware when you step out of this flow because the feeling of excitement will disappear. We are all striving for a perfect balance in every aspect of our lives. We are balancing - the male and female within; the heart and mind; physical, emotional, mental and lower spiritual bodies, right and left hemispheres of the brain; karmic energies; innocence and wisdom; to remain balanced and harmonious regardless of the external circumstances and living in the physical plane, whilst maintaining a oneness and unity with ~God~. You are probably much closer to achieving this complete balance that you realise. Even if a few traumatic situations are presenting themselves and you are feeling strong emotions coming up - recognise that they are probably the last stages of completion for you. As ego blends with spirit and personal desires give way to service to others, you will begin to experience a great inner peace. As you move into the harmony of the universal oneness the struggle of life disappears. The love and joy that many search for all their lives suddenly abounds and a great happiness and contentment permeate as you at last feel truly yourself. Be as ~God~, serving in a loving and balanced way, following the excitement of Spirit in each moment, accepting the cause, power and dedication of Divinity as a master, in total faith and trust of the absolute love and perfection of all Creation.
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