General Spirituality
Unconditional Love - An Affirmation
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~Our Spiritual Guides~~ The concept of personalised spiritual beings goes far back in antiquity to our earliest origins as thinking human beings. Anthropological studies at the sites of prehistoric people suggest their totemic symbols evoked individual protection. Later, some 5,000 years ago as city-states rose official deities became associated with state religions. These gods were more remote and even generated fear. Thus, personal and family deities assumed great importance in the day to day life of people for protection. A personal Soul deity served as a guardian angel to each person or family, and could be called upon for divine help during a crisis. This tradition has been carried down into our cultures of today. There are other cultures around the world which believe that someone other than ~God~ is watching over them to personally intercede on their behalf. Human beings have always needed anthromorphonic figures below a supreme god to portray the spiritual forces around them. When people pray or meditate, they want to reach out to an entity with whom they are acquainted for inspiration. It is easier to ask for aid from a figure which can be clearly identified in the human mind. Regardless of our diverse religious preferences and degrees of faith, people also feel if there is a supreme God, this divinity is too busy to bother about their individual problems. People often express an unworthiness for a direct association with God. As a result, the world’s major religions have used prophets who once lived on earth to serve as our intermediaries with God. Possibly because some of these prophets have been elevated to divine status themselves, they are not personal enough any more (without diminishing the vital spiritual influence all the great prophets have had on their followers). Millions of people derive benefit from the teachings of these powerful souls who incarnated on Earth as prophets in our historical past. And yet, people know in their hearts – as they have always known – that someone, some personal entity ~individual to them~ is there, waiting to be reached. The recognition of these spiritual teachers brings people into the company of a warm loving creative power. Through our guides, we become more acutely aware of the continuity of life and our identity as a Soul. Guides are figures of grace in our existence because they are part of the fulfilment of our destiny. Guides are complex entities, especially when they are master guides. The awareness level of the Soul determines to some extent the degree of advancement of the guide assigned to them. The maturity of a particular guide also has a bearing on whether these teachers have only one student or many under their direction. Guides at the senior level of ability and above usually work with an entire group of Souls in the spirit world and on Earth. These guides have other entities who assist them. Every Soul group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training. As a result, some people may have more than one guide helping them. It is not uncommon to find guides working in pairs with people on Earth, each with their own approaches to teaching. In these cases one is dominant, although the more experienced senior guide may actually be less evident in day to day activities of their charges. The reason for this spiritual arrangement in tandem is because one of the pair is either in training (such as a junior guide under a senior) or the association is so long-standing between the two guides (as with a senior to a master) that a permanent relationship has evolved. The senior guide may have acquired his or her own cluster of Souls, which is still monitored by a master overseeing a number of Soul groups. Guides only want the best for us and sometimes this means they must watch us endure much pain to reach certain objectives. Guides cannot assist in our progress until we are ready to make the necessary changes in order to take full advantage of life’s opportunities. We all have the capacity to send out far reaching thought waves from our higher consciousness. Every person’s thoughts represent a mental fingerprint to guides marking who and where we are. During our lives, especially in periods of great stress, most people feel the presence of someone watching out for them. We may not be able to describe this power, but it is there nonetheless. Reaching our Soul is the first step on the ladder of finding our higher power. All lines of mental communication we use to reach a God-head are monitored by our guides on this step. They too, have their guides further up the ladder. The entire ladder serves as one unbroken conduit to the source of All intelligent energy, with each rung being a part of the whole. It is essential for people to have faith that a prayer for help will be answered by their own higher power. This is why guides are vitally important to our spiritual and temporal lives. If we are relaxed and in a state of concentrated focus, an inner voice speaks to us. And, even if we didn’t initiate the message, we should trust what we hear. Rather than something to be worried about, an inner voice is like having your own resident counsellor on call. More often than not, these voices are those of our guides. Guides assigned to different Souls do work together relaying urgent mental messages for each other. People unable to help themselves in critical situations may find counsellors, friends and even strangers coming to their aid at just the right moment. The inner strength which comes to us in our daily lives does not arrive as much by a visual picture of actually seeing our guides, as from the feelings and emotions which convince us we are not alone. People who listen and encourage their inner voice through quiet contemplation say they feel a personal connection with an energy beyond themselves which offers support and reassurance. If one prefers to call this internal guidance system inspiration or intution that is fine, because the system which aids us is an aspect of ourselves as well as higher powers. During troublesome times in our lives, we have the tendency to ask for guidance to immediately set things right. Guides do not help individuals solve all their problems at once, rather they illuminate doorways by the use of clues. Insight is best revealed with a controlled pace relative to each person. A concerned teacher may not want all aspects of a problem uncovered at a given point in time for his or her student. We vary in our ability to handle revelations. When asking for help from ones higher spiritual power it is best not to demand immediate change. Our success in life is predicated on planning, but we do have alternative paths to choose from to reach certain goals. When seeking guidance a good suggestion is to request help with just the next step in ones life. When this is done be prepared for unexpected possibilities. Have the faith and humility to open oneself up to a variety of paths towards solutions. Our guides feel a spiritual sorrow when they see us making poor choices in life and going through pain. Certainly our Soul-mates and peers suffer distress when we are tormented but so do our guides as they keenly feel their responsibilities towards us as teachers. There is nothing wrong with any spiritual concept,, as long as it provides comfort, is uplifting, and makes sense to each individual. Every Soul has a spiritual higher power linked to its existence. All Souls are part of the same divine essence generated from one ~Oversoul~. This intelligent energy is universal in scope and so we all share in Divine status. If our Soul reflects a small portion of the ~Oversoul~ we call ~God~, then our guides provide the mirror by which we are able to see ourselves connected to this Creator. When we have learned to tune in and listen to our own ~inner voice~ then we are in harmony with ourselves and our guides, and move forward with greater purpose and understanding of our Soul needs and the lessons to be learned on our paths in this lifetime before we return ~Home~ to the Source of ~All that Is~…. {smile}
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