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Artwork by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Strongly mental types are subject to illusion. This illusion is in reality a condition wherein the aspirant is being definitely controlled by:

1. A thoughtform of such potency that it does two things:

a. Controls the life activity or output.

b. Tunes the aspirant in on the mass thoughtforms, which are of a similar nature, and which are built by others under the dominance of a similar illusion.

This, in its worst aspect, produces mental insanity or idée fixe, but in its least dangerous and normal result produces the fanatic. The fanatic is usually—even if he realises it not—a bewildered man, who has a potent idea of some kind or another, but who finds it quite impossible to integrate it into the world picture; to make those needed, and often divinely directed, compromises which profoundly help humanity; to find the time or place for the realities which are within his natural grasp.

2. When a man is highly developed, the mental illusion is built around a definite intuition and this intuition is concretised by the mind until its appearance is so real that the man believes he sees so clearly that which should be done or given to the world that he spends his time endeavouring in a fanatical manner to make others see it too. Thus his life slips away on the wings of illusion and his incarnation is a relatively profitless one. In a few rare cases, this combination of intuition and mental activity produces the genius in some field or another; but then there is no illusion, but clear thinking, coupled with a trained equipment in that particular field or enterprise.

3. The weaker and more average mental types of people succumb to the general field of illusion and of mass illusion. The mental plane manifests a different sort of distortion to that of the astral plane or the etheric. The faculty of discrimination which is being developed has produced sharper lines of demarcation, and instead of the dense fogs and mists of the astral plane or the swirling tides and currents of energy of the etheric plane, we have on the mental plane masses of sharply indicated thoughtforms of a particular quality and note and tone, around which are grouped lesser thoughtforms, created by those who respond to these forms, and to their note, quality and tone. Similarities are then seen to exist which constitute channels or avenues for the magnetic drawing power of the more potent thoughtforms. 

The problem of Illusion lies in the fact that it is a Soul activity, and the result of the mind aspect of all the souls in manifestation. It is the Soul which is submerged in the illusion, and the Soul that fails to see with clarity until such time as it has learnt to pour the light out of the Soul through into the mind and brain.

Illusion is primarily of a mental quality, and was characteristic of the attitude of mind of those people who are more intellectual than emtotional. They have outgrown glamour as usually understood. It is the misunderstanding of ideas and thought forms of which they are guilty and of misinterpetation.

It is in meditation and in the technique of mind control that the thinkers of the world will begin to rid the world of illusion. Hence the increasing interest in meditation as the weight of the world glamour is increasingly realised, and hence the vital necessity for right understanding of the way of mind control.

Only the intuition can dispel illusion and hence the need for training intuitives. Hence the service that you can render by offering yourself for this training.

Today illusion is so potential that few people whose minds are in any way developed, but are controlled by these vast illusory thought forms, which have their roots and draw their life from the lower personality life and desie nature of the masses of men.

Glamour is of more ancient standing and of earlier emergence than is illusion. It has little in it of the mental qualtiy, and is the major factor in controlling the majority. The objective of all training given on the Path of Discipleship , and up to the third initiation, is to induce that clear thinking which will render the disciple free from illusion, and give to him that emtional stability and poise which gives no room for the entrance of any of the world glamour.

The disciple is the victim and, let us hope, the dissipator of both glamour and illusion, and hence the complexity of his problem and the subtlety of his difficulties. He must bear in mind also (for his strengthening and cheer) that every bit of glamour dissipated, and every illusion recognised and overcome, "clears the way" for those who follow after, and makes easier the path of his fellow disciples. this is par excellence the reat Service, and it is to this aspect of it that I call your atention.

One of the problems which confront the aspirant is the problem of duly recognising glamour when it arises, and of being aware of the glamours which beset his path and the illusions which build a wall between him and the light. It is much that you have recognised that glamour and illusion exist. The majority of people are unaware of their presence. Many good people today see this not; they deify their glamours and regard their illusions as their prized and hard won possessions.

Illusion is the mode whereby limited understanding and material knowledge interpret truth, veiling and hiding it behind a cloud of thoughtforms. These thoughtforms become then more real than the truth they veil, and consequently control mans approach to Reality. The world of phenomena is not denied, but we regard the mind as misinterpreting it, and refusing to see it as it is in reality. We consider this mis-interpreation as constituting the Great Illusion.

You are in process of incarnation, you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? If it is a lighted house you will attract to it light and warmth all those around you, and the magnetic pull of your Soul, whose nature is light and love will save many.

~The Tibetan~


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